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The Courage of Conviction

I don't know what to tell the mother in the school pick up line who asks me innocently "how was your summer?"

How deep should I get in 30 seconds I wonder? "Fine, how was yours?" is the safe answer. But I often balk at the safety dance so I say instead, "Well Betsy, it was a shit shower. My beloved father-in-law passed away. My kids have been to 3 funerals in 4 months. The ceiling in my bedroom decided to cave in and I lost half my money in a bad investment. But the silver lining is that I put out a new album called Tumbleweed that I hope is mature and timely. I'm particularly proud of the protest songs on the album. Having the courage of your convictions Betsy that's all you can hang your hat on in this life. To quote the late Pat Conroy "it is important to stand for something of great value in a society that has debased itself with the fury of its own worst instincts." What takes courage? Putting yourself out there. "Well it's good to see you" she says pulling away. Yes, It is good to be seen. And so I ask all of you reading this...In what do you place great value?

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